Sample delivery at OUR EXPENSE

After preliminary virtual approval of the type of floor covering, size, budget, etc., we will send the selected products to any locality in Russia! Working since 1995, we have an excellent experience of cooperation throughout the Russian Federation!

Cost of delivery

We will pay for the delivery of a full-size agreed "shield" of the parquet Board sample in both directions, regardless of whether the customer approves these sample in the end or not! But you will need to take a Deposit of 10 thousand rubles from the client and send it to us in any convenient way, and as soon as the sample is returned to us, we will transfer the money back to the same place where it came from

Place of delivery of the product batch

After the transaction is completed, we will deliver the goods to the city where the object is located, and if necessary, arrange storage at the transport company's terminal! Working since 1995, we have thousands of objects, both private and public, and have worked well at all stages of interaction! The cost of delivery of a batch of goods is included in the price of the goods and upon arrival in the destination city, the customer will need to arrive and accept the goods in accordance with the appearance of the package and quantity, even if it remains at the terminal for long-term storage, for a week!

Delivery time

When is delivery possible?

The date and time of delivery are specified when signing the contract, taking into account the conditions of production, customs clearance and customer needs. Attention! It is important that the specified contact persons are available for communication when preparing the product for shipment. The confidentiality of your registration data is guaranteed. 

If the product is available in our holding's warehouses in Russia, delivery in Russia usually takes less than a week.

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Upon delivery, you will be given all the necessary documents for the purchase: the Original waybill, the contract, if it was not sent earlier, a memo for installers. When you make a purchase for an organization, you will be provided with an waybill, as well as an invoice that must be stamped by your organization.

Attention! Please keep in mind that you need to find out all the technical parameters and consumer properties of the purchased product from the Manager before entering into a delivery contract. When delivering the product ordered to you, check the completeness of the delivered product, the integrity of the pallet packaging, the conformity of the delivered product to the description on our website, and also check the product for mechanical damage.

If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, please contact us at the following coordinates:

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