Scheucher, an Austrian manufacturer of parquet boards, is celebrating his 102th anniversary this year. It has made a simple and convenient service for choosing the type of floor cover directly from your photo, images from the Internet or the pre-installed gallery. This way you can see how your future floor suits your interior.
Parquet Board from leading European manufacturers.
The hardwood floor combines such qualities as naturalness and elegance. A unique aroma allows you to relax instantly, while appealing tones of natural wood create an atmosphere of luxury and comfort in any room.
This portal is created for the convenience of ordering any element of the room design in all cities of Russia! With our help, you can easily get a texture for 3D visualization, order a sample through a courier service in any city of the Russian Federation and get the expected result on the object!
To send a sample, you must pay a Deposit of 10 thousand rubles. We pack the sample and after approval, you also pack it and we call the courier. We pay for shipping by EMS in both directions. After returning the sample back, we will refund the Deposit regardless of whether the customer agrees with the sample or not.
We are always open to expansion, and if you can't find the right finishing materials, interior details or furniture in your city, send us a request and we will try to find the best supplier with the best price, using the contacts we have been working with since 1995.
We have created a protection system for all parties to the contract for the delivery of ordered products involved in the approval! (similar to the principle of Aliexpress, Airbnb, etc.), when paying for the selected product, the customer is sure that the supplier will receive payment when the order is completed. The customer will have two weeks to check the quality and quantity of the order. In case of violation of any of the terms of the delivery agreement, there is always an opportunity to "open a dispute" and achieve fulfillment of obligations! The supplier will be sure that if they fulfill their obligations accurately and on time, they are guaranteed to receive 100% payment from us!
The architect and interior designer are guaranteed to see the implementation of their ideas on the object and the expected result!
Our contacts